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Chief Executive - Fleet Street Quarter BID
Following a recent successful ballot, the Fleet Street Quarter, London’s newest Business Improvement District (BID) has been given a five year mandate to work with businesses and freeholders within the defined footprint which borders and includes Fleet Street to St Paul’s, High Holborn and Chancery Lane.
The area is poised for - and in receipt of - substantial investment and include a range of global businesses such as Deloitte, Goldman Sachs and TikTok. It will also benefit from the opening of Crossrail in mid 2022, a major driver for future investment and increased footfall with the footprint of the BID.
The Fleet Street Quarter will be within the Corporation of London and developing political alliances and key relationships with all stakeholders will be critical to its success and 2027 re-ballot. Its focus will include: cleaner and safer, public realm, culture, tourism and the freeholders. It will be delivered through the support and management of Primera, London’s leading BID management business. It will generate £2.5m annually through its levy payments and has c. 375 businesses within the area.