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28th November 2018
Mencap appoints new Trustees
Wild Search were pleased to work with Mencap on the appointment of three new trustees.
The new trustees are:
Yogi Amin: Irwin Mitchell solicitor and partner Yogi leads the 80-strong Public Law Department including 50 legal staff members. He is listed in the directories Legal 500 and Chambers as a leader in human rights law, community care law and mental capacity law. For over 8 years he was a trustee for the Independent Living Funds, which enabled severely disabled people to live independently in their own homes.
Lucy Kathryne Edge: Chief Operating Officer of technology and innovation company Satellite Applications Catapult, Lucy is a space engineer and previously ran Spacecraft and Customer Operations for UK based satellite operator Avanti Communications. A passionate advocate for regional economic development, Lucy has held Non-Executive Director roles at the Eden Project, the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership, and is a Governor at Truro and Penwith College.
Jackie Pollock: Technical lead for digital technology solutions firm Kainos Group Plc, Jackie leads digital transformation in NHS Trusts to create a paperless health service. A long-term mental health and learning disability advocate, Jackie has volunteered at Mencap Network Partner Carrickfergus Junior Gateway in Northern Ireland for more than 21 years and has chaired the organisation for the past five years.
Derek Lewis, Chair of Mencap trustees, said:
“We are delighted to welcome Yogi, Lucy and Jackie to Royal Mencap Society’s Board of Trustees. They will bring further invaluable understanding of learning disabilities to the board as well as highly relevant knowledge in areas such as disability law, digital technology, community support and volunteering. Their contribution will be complemented by the increasingly important role played by Mencap’s Voices Council – a group of people with learning disabilities with whom the board works to ensure the charity’s strategy and programmes are informed and developed by people with learning disabilities.
We are deeply grateful to our new trustees for their commitment to Mencap and look forward to working with them as we pursue the ambitious goals set out in Our Big Plan. Those goals are designed to help people with a learning disability make the choices they want and to enjoy the same opportunities as other people, free from discrimination – despite the challenge of cutbacks in government funding and support.”