Wild Search supports Britten as a Boy

Wild Search is delighted to be sponsoring the reception at the fundraising gala for Britten as a Boy which will take place on Friday 6th October at the Wigmore Hall. This event is a major part of the campaign to secure a permanent memorial to composer Benjamin Britten OM CH (1913-76) outside his childhood home in Lowestoft as an inspiration to future generations of musicians from Lowestoft and Suffolk. The sculpture is the work of internationally renowned Gloucestershire based sculpture Ian Rank-Broadley: https://www.ianrank-broadley.co.uk/


The event is organised by Zeb Soanes, who describes the Britten as a Boy in this Country Life article: https://www.brittenasaboy.com/news/meet-britten-as-a-boy


Wild Search Founder Edward Wild said: “Benjamin Britten is one of the great British composers and this brilliant initiative will serve not only to keep his legacy alive but to inspire young people in his home town to perform, compose and appreciate the power of music to enrich, enhance and transform lives”.

Performers at the Wigmore Hall event will include: Dame Janet Baker, Tasmin Little and Sir Thomas Allen. To book tickets for the reception please visit: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/britten-as-a-boy/benjamin-britten-lowestoft-statue-fundraising-gala-vip-tickets/e-rzvgzx or https://wigmore-hall.org.uk/whats-on/benjamin-britten-lowestoft-statue-fundraising-gala-202310061900