If you would like to work with Wild Search to fill key roles in the Arts & Heritage sector, please email Amy Wevill at aw@wildsearch.org
4th March 2020
An evening of cultural discussion at Wild Search’s Spring 2020 Arts & Heritage Dinner.
Last night, Wild Search welcomed individuals from the Arts & Heritage community for dinner hosted by Craig Hassall, Chief Executive of the Royal Albert Hall. The evening was a great opportunity for leaders in the sector to gather and discuss the internationalisation of the arts and heritage sector in the UK, and how this relates to regional focus. Among those attending were those running some of the leading arts institutions in the UK, those protecting Britain’s heritage and respected advisers.
We would like to thank all those who attended for such an engaging and thought-provoking evening, and to Craig Hassall and his colleagues for hosting the event in the esteemed Royal Albert Hall.