Wild Search has a strong network and experience of researching and advising on international leadership and growth, notably through our work in education and publications.
Our track record in search encompasses the appointment of the Overseas Projects Director for Haileybury, the Director of the British Institute of Florence, senior appointments for the European Conservatives and Reformist and the Global Fund. We have also advised a number of international colleges on senior appointments such as d’Overbroeck’s (Head of International School), MPW (Vice Principal) and Dukes Education.
International Advisers
Alex McGrath joined Wild Search from the British Council in 2020 as an International Schools Adviser to support schools who are keen to explore and develop overseas partnerships and schools.
Our Senior International Adviser, Neil Carmichael has current experience working with organisations in China (he is a Board Member for Strategy at FN Robotics (China) and Chief Education Consultant at Christine Lee & Co (solicitors)) and Myanmar (where has worked for the Westminster Foundation of Democracy).
Graham Stewart, another Senior International Adviser, has lived and worked in both Singapore and Myanmar.
“Our schools truly are the best in the world, and yet the imperative to ensure they remain so stunts the opportunity for schools to speculate with foreign ventures. Without employee bandwidth to give full focus to a project, lack of funds to commit upfront to a long-term venture, nor the experience in global franchising and management to be fully confident, many schools perceive a high-risk endeavour and so miss the opportunity to capitalise on wide-ranging educational opportunities and genuine revenue streams available from these operations. This need not be the case with the right support and understanding from consultants who put the needs of the school ahead of the imperatives of foreign developers and financiers.”
International Research
We have published five reports which focus on both the success and potential for UK schools and colleges to expand overseas:
Exporting Educational Excellence: British Schools Overseas (2020)
Exporting Excellence: Creating Great British Schools Internationally (2019)
Education: The Greatest British Export (2017)
Education: A Great British Export? (2012)
In addition, the UK’s potential influence through education is revealed in our research note on soft power.
For more information on the reports or to be involved in one in future, please contact Amy Wevill aw@wildsearch.org